How to promote your event in Snapchat Ad Manager

Snapchat Ad Types

Snapchat offers a variety of ad formats that allow you to place event ads directly into users' feeds. There are two types of Snapchat ads:

Attachment ads

Ad filtering

There are many variations of these types. Let's be clear.

1. Snap ads

They are 10-second promotional videos of him in full screen that appear between regular content (called snaps) from the user's friends. Add a CTA to your video so users can swipe up to your website and make a purchase without leaving Snapchat. Various content can be used to ensure user interaction after the swipe.

From articles and websites with detailed information to longer videos related to the event. Engage users with short videos and offer sequels after a swipe. To run this type of Snapchat ad for him, the campaign must have a budget of his $1,000. Advertising costs about $0.02 per view. This means $20 per 1,000 views.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Sponsored Geofilters

Geofilters are one of the most exciting formats for promoting your event on Snapchat. As unique as it is, it's also very familiar to Snapchatters, who use GPS to locate users and best friend planets snapchat offer customized filters. A user places in a snap this graphical her overlay that can associate the user with a specific geographic location, from a specific location to a city to an entire country. Snapchatters love using this so they can run event promotions in their native language. Sponsored Geo Filters allow you to create custom his graphics that other users can apply to their Snaps.

The cost of Sponsored Geofilters depends on the time you make the filters available and the size of the target area. If you want event filters, you'll be spending about $15.

Geofilters are one of the most exciting formats for promoting your event on Snapchat.

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]On-demand geofilter

This option can significantly reduce your event promotion costs on Snapchat. Start advertising for as little as $5. The difference is in the area covered (must be between 20,000 and 5 million square feet) and time (around 1 hour). This is the perfect solution for point of event promotions.

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Sponsored lenses

In addition to filterers, Snapchat offers regular Sponsored Lenses. This is a really fun and creative way to create a great promotion for your event that your users will definitely love. Once you create a filter for your event, consumers can use it to take a snap. It can be anything from bunny ears to butterflies to colorful snapchat downloader splashes. The only limit here is your imagination. Sponsored lenses are integrated into the lens menu and users can interact with them in the same way as regular lenses. Use this interactive option to get Snapchat attendees to become supporters of your event and let them spontaneously share your message. Speaking of money, it's not the cheapest way to advertise. The fee you have to pay for this type of ad depends on the day of the week, trends, holidays, etc. For example, weekdays are considered prime time and Sponsored Filters cost only $450,000, while holidays add up to $700,000.

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[if !supportLists]5. [endif]Snap to unlock

Snapchat is currently testing this new ad format. It works fairly easily and is attractive at the same time. Users can take a picture of a Snapcode and place it on physical media such as billboards, receipts, mugs, etc., and access "secret" features within the app. The Snapchat app unlocks limited-time sponsored geofilters or lenses related to the event.

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Effective advertising on Snapchat

Snapchat's advertising strategy is very different from other social networks. Snapchat takes a snapchat trends more proprietary, almost TV-like approach. Because of this, its advertising can actually be very expensive.All the proposed types are very effective as they work in a creative way that your audience is familiar with. Ads are native and less intrusive to users. All you need to do is learn as much as possible about your audience and choose a format that they like.

How to use ads on Snapchat

In the past, Snapchat ads were for high-budget brands. But recently, in March 2017, the platform launched a new self-service ads manager for buying video snap ads, making it affordable for small businesses. Before you buy his Snap Ads from Snap's sales team or a third party for an additional fee, you can now create them for free using our self-service ad his manager with no markup. Self-service Ads Manager provides a mobile dashboard for tracking campaigns from your phone. Ad Manager buys, manages, and controls all her Snap ad-type campaigns and the Business Manager website where you can set roles and permissions for team members. The new option will roll out to all users in the US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Australia and more in June.

To get started, sign up here and follow the instructions from the Snapchat team.

Snapchat Ad Tips and Tips

A well-thought-out strategy and carefully selected ad formats that cater to the habits and interests of your target group will undoubtedly lead to successful event advertising . Click here!